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Defending Against DDoS Attacks: Leveraging Geolocation Protection with AKAT Technologies

By April 19, 2024April 22nd, 2024No Comments

The threat landscape of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks remains a formidable challenge in today’s cybersecurity environment. While Pure Cloud protection services offer a reasonable approach to safeguarding critical internet-facing resources, attackers’ tactics evolve rapidly.

Defending Against DDoS Attacks: Leveraging Geolocation Protection with AKAT Technologies

The threat landscape of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks remains a formidable challenge in today’s cybersecurity environment. While Pure Cloud protection services offer a reasonable approach to safeguarding critical internet-facing resources, attackers’ tactics evolve rapidly.

In the past twelve to sixteen months, we’ve witnessed a significant evolution in DDoS attack techniques. Volumetric L3-L4 DDoS attacks have morphed into highly sophisticated Web DDoS assaults, posing a persistent threat to organizations.

Mitigating these high packet rate DDoS attacks often demands sophisticated traffic filtering solutions capable of distinguishing between legitimate and malicious packets at a granular level.
Attacks methods are changing and attack success ratios are climbing. Web-based DDoS attacks focus on generating a large number of packets rather than sheer volume of traffic, the challenges shift slightly to emphasize the strain on different components of the network infrastructure.

At AKAT Technologies, we offer extensive field-based DDoS Defense experience and expertise to complement your cybersecurity strategies. For organizations with critical web services catering to millions of users daily, implementing Hybrid Protection architectures is crucial for addressing organizational cyber resilience strategies. Do not underestimate on-premise devices. They offer highly scalable and manageable Hybrid always-on/on-demand opportunities to safeguard your resources. Search for options and expertise!

Our valuable technology advisor, Kaloyan Kolev, is eager to share insights on a simple yet powerful approach: “Leveraging Geolocation Protection Against DDoS Attacks with Radware DefensePro.” Join Kaloyan as he discusses how to continuously evaluate and update your strategies and technologies for robust defense against DDoS attacks.

Implementing geolocation protection empowers organizations to thwart even the most intricate DDoS assaults. However, successful integration requires meticulous planning and adherence to best practices.

Here’s a guide to effectively deploying geolocation protection:

Monitor and Define Geolocation Policy: Tailor a geolocation policy to your organization’s traffic patterns, setting rate thresholds for non-common geolocations to activate mitigation measures.

Proactive Policy Development: Take a proactive security approach by defining permitted or denied access regions/countries, preemptively bolstering defenses against potential DDoS attacks.

Reactive Enforcement: Utilize geolocation protection reactively during an attack, leveraging Radware DefensePro technology to identify and block attack geolocations temporarily, deploying additional rate thresholds and advanced DDoS protections as needed.

Blocking Options: Configure permanent and temporary geolocation blocks with customizable durations to enhance security measures.

By harnessing the power of geolocation protection, organizations can fortify their cybersecurity posture and mitigate the risk of DDoS attacks. Whether as a proactive deterrent or a reactive defense mechanism, geolocation enforcement plays a crucial role in safeguarding digital assets and preserving operational continuity.

For more information and for further assistance reach out to Kaloyan on his professional profile: or contact us at